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i think the mosy dangerous Diabetes is the type 2..............

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Q: What is the absolute most dangerous type of diabetes and what is it?
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Do most people with diabetes suffer from type 2 diabetes?


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Nuclear is the most dangerous type of energy

What is Juvenile diabetes also called?

Type 1 diabetes as it is most common amongst children, teenagers, and young adults.

What is a good type of diabetes?

There is NO type of 'good' diabetes, but the one your looking for is probably type 1 diabetes. People are usually born with that type. Type 2 diabetes is the one people get if they're overweight, don't exercise, and they eat junk all the time.

What type of diabetes would kids most likely catch?

genetics of diabetes

What type of diabetes is the most common?

Type 2 Diabetes, also known as "adult onset" diabetes is the most common form. It is often hereditary, and is most likely to form in middle-aged or older people, especially if they are overweight.

What is the most dangerous type of rhinos?

The most dangerous type of rhino is the black rhino.

What are the differences in a diet for type 2 diabetes and a diet for type 1 diabetes?

Patients with type one diabetes have most likely had diabetes for the majority of their life and are diagnosed with a young age. Type one diabetic manage their diabetes with insulin injections while type two diabetics can simply manage their diabetes with diets.

What form of diebetes is most common?

Type 2 is more prevalent. Type 1 is usually diagnosed in younger children and young adults. Type 2 is mostly diagnosed in adults over the age of 30 and there is usually family history, but there are always a few that do not fit the typical criteria, but type 2 is usually the most common form.

What is the most dangerous type of thunder?

Thunder is not dangerous; it is merely sound. It is lightning that is dangerous. The most dangerous type is cloud-to-ground lightning.

Type 2 Diabetes is most commonly brought on by?

Heredity poor diet and life style are the most common causes for type 2 diabetes.

Which type of diabetes begins in childhood or adolescence?

The first type of diabetes, Type 1 diabetes (formerly called juvenile diabetes), is usually first recognized in children or adolescents and is generally not preventable. In this type of diabetes, the pancreas stops producing insulin or produces very little. This is the most serious type and requires daily insulin treatment for life to be sustained. About 10% of people with diabetes have this type.