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Q: What is the abstract noun of independent?
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What is the abstract noun for independent?

The abstract noun form for the adjective independent is independence.The word 'independent' is a noun, a concrete noun; a word for a politician or voter who does not belong to any political party, a word for a person.

Is independent an abstract noun?

Yes, the noun independence is an abstract noun, a word for the freedom from control by another country or organization; the ability to make decisions and live your life free from the control or influence of other people; a word for a concept.

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What type of noun is independence?

Independent is the adjective form of the noun independence.

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Yes, the noun astonishment is an abstract noun, a word for an emotional reaction.

Is independent abstract or concrete?

The word independent is an adjective, a word that describes a noun.The abstract noun form is independence, a word for freedom from the control, influence, support, aid, or the like, of others; a word for a concept.

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The abstract noun is criticism.

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The noun 'hopefulness' is an abstract noun, a word for an emotion.

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The abstract noun is obligation.

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Friendship has not abstract noun because It is a abstract noun