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A planet is always accelerating towards the sun (exactly) because that is where the force of attraction comes from. But the planets are also moving quickly in their orbits, so instead of plunging into the sun they stay in nearly-circular orbits instead, in which they continuously curve towards the sun.

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Q: What is the acceleration of a planet around the sun?
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What is the source of centripital force that a planet requires to revolve around the sun?

The Sun's gravity is a force pulling the planet directly towards the Sun. That is always exactly balanced by the planet's acceleration, which is also towards the Sun. However the planet's momentum carries it forward in its orbit so the effect of the inward acceleration is to make the planet curve towards the Sun, and that is how the planet maintains its elliptical orbit. The above details were discovered by Isaac Newton and he was able to demonstrate why Kepler's laws of planetary motion are as they are. I won't get into centrifugal/centripetal because they are often confused.

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When you travel around the Sun or a planet, due to gravitational attraction, it is called an "orbit". It is also a "revolution" around the Sun or planet.

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We can calculate the gravity on any planet or star by using this formula g = GM/r2 where M is mass of the planet or star G is universal gravitational constant g is acceleration due to gravity & r is the radius of the planet or star. Mass of the sun=1.99x1030 kg. radius of the sun=6.96 x 108m The acceleration due to gravity on the sun= 274.13 m/s2 g =(6.673x10-11) X (1.99x1030)/(6.96x108)2 Plugging in the values gives us the acceleration due to gravity on the sun= 274.13 m/s2

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Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. Because of this, it revolves around the sun the fastest.

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Mercury is a planet. By definition, it revolves around the sun.

Which planet completes its journey first around the sun .why?

If you mean which planet orbits the Sun the quickest it's the planet Mercury. Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the closer an object is to the Sun the faster it must go around to avoid falling into the Sun.