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The term used to refer to the actual combination of two sets of alleles for the same trait is homozygous.

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Q: What is the actual combination of two alleles for the same trait called?
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What do geneticists call alleles that are both expressed in the phenotype when they are together?

Genetic makeup formed from both inherited alleles together is called a genotype. Homozygous alleles would be a pair of identical alleles for a single trait. Heterozygous is different alleles for a single trait.

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When the alleles present for a trait are the same, it is called Homozygous

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There is no particular relationship between organisms that have identical alleles for a particular trait.

Organisms that has two different alleles for a trait?

Having two different alleles for a trait is called heterozygous.

What are both inherited alleles called?

Genetic makeup formed from both inherited alleles together is called a genotype. Homozygous alleles would be a pair of identical alleles for a single trait. Heterozygous is different alleles for a single trait.

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2 different alelles - heterozygous Same alelles - homozygous

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When an individual have two identical alleles for the same trait it is called?

Having two similar alleles for a trait is called being homozygous. It is possible to be homozygous for a dominant or recessive trait.