

Best Answer

The reaosn the Titanic sank is beacuse of the ship hitting the iceburge. There are many reasons why Thomas Andrew the builder of the ship is at fualt here. the first is beacuse he rudeced the height of the titanic and also there were about 3 million rivits but they used bad rivits so if thomas would hade sugeested they used better ones then we would not be in this.

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Ashley Wallace

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Q: What is the actual reason for why the Titanic sank?
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One reason is it sank on its maiden voyage but was supposed to be unsinkable.

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The Titanic sank in the very early morning of April 15, 1912

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The Titanic crashed into an iceberg southeast of Cape Race, Newfoundland.

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The Titanic sank because of a basic steering blunder.

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No. Of the 2,208 people on board Titanic, 1,496 did not escape when Titanic sank; 68%.

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