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Q: What is the adaptations of saga fruits and seeds?
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What are the adaptations of saga fruits and seeds?

Seed dispersal is the movemen

What are the adaptation for saga fruits and seeds?

U r suppose to answer it for me la...

What are the adaptations that the fruits and seed of the African Tulip have for dispersal?

The fruits of the African Tulip have adaptations for dispersal such as being light, dry, and winged, which allows them to be easily carried by wind over long distances. The seeds within the fruits are also equipped with a tuft of fine, lightweight hairs that aid in wind dispersal. Additionally, the fruits contain multiple seeds, increasing the chances of successful dispersal and colonization in new areas.

How are fruits useful to the seeds?

fruits provide the seeds and the seeds will grow into new plant

Are cucumbers fruits or vegtables?

fruit becase they have seeds and fruits have seeds

How many fruits have seeds?

All fruits have seeds, it how the plant continues to produce offspring.

Can trees make seeds?

no, it can not but in one way that they provide us fruits and in fruits we have seeds

How are angiosperm fruits and seeds transported to news areas?

By dispersal strategies of fruits and seeds.

Are acorns considered fruits or seeds?

Acorns go in the "nut" category- not fruits or seeds.

Are Avocado fruits?

yes because it has seeds and fruits have seeds.

What is a list of fruits with many seeds?

Not all fruits contain the same number of seeds. Fruits such as tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers, and melons usually have lots of seeds.

Do kumquats have seeds?

All fruits have seeds.