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Q: What is the adj phrase of Carbohydrates are the body's main source of energy?
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What is the bodys quick energy reserve?


How does fat function in your bodys?

Fat serves as an energy source for the body.

What carbohydrates do for you?

its your bodys fuel

What do you use carbohydrates for?

its your bodys fuel

What is fats used for in are bodys?

fat is used for keeping the body warm and to protect your internal organs it is also used as a store of energy which you can use when you run out of carbohydrates

Are carbohydrates easier to burn off than fat?

Carbohydrates do not actually burn any fat. Carbohydrates can help your body have energy to allow other systems to burn fat. On the other hand, too many carbs can hinder this process and actually make you gain weight as well.

why do living organisms need food Give two reasons?

To make energy for their bodys, and to STAY ALIVE!!!

What happens when energy intake exceeds the bodys energy needs?


Why does ATP take places?

Produces the bodys energy!

What is the source of energy for your bodies?

From the ATP coming from biological oxidation. However, in muscle cells, phosphocreatine acts as a long-term phosphate donor, and helps maintain high intracellular ATP levels even during prolonged muscle activity.

Your brain brain use how much of your bodys energy?


What regulates bodys energy?

thyroid gland .