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Q: What is the adjective in the sentence Three people can fit inside?
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What is the adjective in three turtles swam in the pond?

The words three and the are both adjectives in that sentence.

What is the adjective in the sentence Three turtles swam in the pond?

three turtles swam on the pond .Find the adjective

Is three an adverb?

Three is not an adverb. In a sentence it is a noun or an adjective.

Use landlock in a sentence as an adjective?

The adjective is landlocked. Example sentence:Although technically a landlocked state, Michigan is surrounded on three sides by water.

What is the adjective in this sentence Amy's exotic parakeet laid three tiny eggs in the nest?

Amy's, exotic, three, and tiny

What part of speech is the word three?

It can be either a noun or an adjective, depending upon its use in a sentence.

Which words in a sentence make up the adjective phrase?

Well this would depend on what type of adjective phrase you are talking about. There are three different types of adjective phrases:Head-final adjective phrase - This contains an adverb and then an adjectiveHead-initial adjective phrase - This contains an adjective followed by a preposition and a noun.Head-medial adjective phrase - This contains an adverb followed by an adjective, preposition, and then a noun

Can the word 'THE' be used as an adjective in the sentence' pass you the pen please?

No.The sentence in the question should be - Pass me the pen please - but there is no adjective in this sentence.Pass me the red pen please - red is an adjective.The is never an adjective it is always an article. There are three articles a/an/the. Articles come before nouns.Pass me the pen please. - because the is used in this sentence we assume the people talking know which pen - one particular pen - they are talking about.Pass me a pen please - in this sentence a pen means any pen no particular pen.Pass me an orange please - use an when the noun after a/an/the starts with a vowel.

What are the nouns in the sentence Thomas Hooker has been called father of American democracy?

There are three nouns and a proper adjective. Thomas Hooker, father, and democracy are nouns. American here is an adjective, although it can be a noun.

What is a sentence for the word lives?

There was Three People Who lived Their Lives

Is the word three an adjective?

Yes, three can be used as an adjective. Example: Justin ate three cookies.

Example of compound adjective?

Compound adjectives are formed when you use two or more adjectives that are joined together with a hyphen to modify the same noun. She had a three-year-old cat is an example of a compound adjective in a sentence.