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Q: What is the adjective in this sentence The heavy elephant has a slow swaying walk?
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How do you make a sentence with As heavy as an elephant?

a work colleague of mine eats alot throughout the day, no wonder he is as heavy as an elephant

What is the adjective in the sentence The heavy rain lasted forever?


What part of speech is so in the books were so heavy?

The word "so" is an adverb in that sentence. It's modifying the adjective "heavy".

What part of speech is heavy in the sentence Jack carried the heavy box by himself?

adjective -adjective is a word that describes, or modifies, a noun.It usually precedes the noun it modifies and answers the questionwhich one, what kind, or how many. Ex The Tall Tree.

Is heavy an adjective?

Yes. "Heavy" is an adjective, meaning it can describe a noun. Many times, an adjective is used before a noun, such as "beautiful blouse," beautiful being the adjective and blouse the noun. In this case, heavy could be used as an adjective in the sentence: "This heavy bowling ball will cause back pains to the players."

What part of speech is heavy?

An adjective

How heavy is a Elyphant?

An elephant is 2.5 tons.

What is the comparative adjective and superlative adjective of heavy?


Is heavily an adjective?

No, it's an adverb. The adjective is heavy.

What words describe a heavy rock?

heavy.. heavy is already a adjective

What is an adjective for fog?


What is adjective for fog?
