

What is the adult franchise of US?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: What is the adult franchise of US?
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(in the US) there isn't one nationwide standard for attaininig adult legal status. This is left to the individual states to decide.

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What is the meaning of universal adult franchise?

Universal Adult Franchise means that all adults in the country had right to vote

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universal udult franchise isn kaka

What is Adult franchise?

Every adult rich or poor irrespective of their religion caste or education , religion , color , race , economic conditions is free to vote. Universal Adult Franchise is based on the concept of equality.

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Where did universal adult franchise began?

great britain

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Meaning of universal adult franchise?

In India, Every adult (whos age is above 18) rich or poor irrespective of their religion caste or education is free to vote.Universal Adult Franchise is based on the concept of equality.