

What is the advantage of having nuclear weapon?

Updated: 4/3/2020
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When Someone Wants A Nuclear War , You Are Defended

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Q: What is the advantage of having nuclear weapon?
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Related questions

What is the meaning of nuclear weapon?

The meaning of the word nuclear weapon, is a weapon that has a nuclear warhead on it.

What is an advantage to having nuclear submarines?

The main advantage to having nuclear powered submarines is that a nuclear powered submarine can, if designed wisely, stay submerged for months on end. The only limitation really is food and the crew's psychological state. This is extremely useful in nuclear deterrance considering that a nation can send out nuclear powered, nuclear weapon equipped submarines on patrol for use in case of a nuclear exchange. If an attacking nation destroys the missiles silos of it's target and it's nuclear armed bomber wings, the defending nation would still have the use of it's nuclear weapons onboard it's ballistic missile submarines.

Which countries today possess nuclear weapons?

USA, Russia, UK, PRC, France, India, Pakistan, North Korea are known for having nuclear weapon. Israel probably also owns nuclear weapon but never officialy declared it.

What advantage does a eukaryote cell gain by having a nuclear envelope?

foLLow me on twitter ! @ mhisxzcaica

Why does Iran need a nuclear bomb and will it get one?

There are two questions here. Why does Iran need a nuclear bomb? -- Iran does not NEED a nuclear bomb. Iran WANTS a nuclear bomb since having a nuclear weapon would, in Iran's view, lessen the advantage that Israel has over its neighboring Islamic States. It would also be a symbol of Iranian power and a projection of Iranian influence and civilization. When will Iran have a nuclear bomb? -- The timeline for Iran gaining a nuclear weapon is unclear. It is likely that Iran will have sufficient fissile material to make a bomb by late 2015 or early 2016. However, the Israeli Mossad has performed a number of operations aimed at delaying the creation of such a weapon.

What is a nuclear weapon in wich enormous energy is released by nuclear fission?

This nuclear weapon is called an atomic bomb or a nuclear bomb

What is an atomic weapon?

An atomic weapon is an alternative name for a nuclear weapon, a weapon which derives its energy from the nuclear reactions of either fusion or fission.

Which one has the ability to destroy entire cities and impair electronic communications systems?

Nuclear weapon detonations

Is an bomb or a nuclear weapon more powerful?

If by "bomb" you mean a conventional explosive weapon, then the nuclear weapon is more powerful.

Why even make nuclear weapons?

To defend against someone else having them. Same as any other weapon.

How does the energy released by an earthquake compare to the energy of a nuclear weapon?

* Earthquake Richter 5.0 = 32 kilotons nuclear weapon, like was used at Nagasaki * Earthquake Richter 6.0 = 1 megaton nuclear weapon * Earthquake Richter 7.0 = 32 megaton nuclear weapon * Earthquake Richter 7.1 = 50 megaton nuclear weapon, Tsar Bomba, the largest nuclear weapon ever tested * Earthquake Richter 8.0 = 1 gigaton nuclear weapon, much larger than anything ever made

What is a nuclear weapon made of?

nuclear chemicals such as plutonium