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Well the space it occupies is much less than in gaseous form. If temperature drops so that it is liquid, so too does the pressure your vessel will have to undergo to fit the same amount of gas in

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Q: What is the advantage of transporting methane as a liquid?
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Is methane soluble in liquid nitrogen?

Generally speaking, methane gas can be "soluble" in liquid nitrogen if it was bubbled into it. Liquid nitrogen is cold enough to liquefy methane gas, and the liquid methane would then be miscible in the liquid nitrogen.

Is liquid methane colder than liquid nitrogen?

No, at their boiling points liquid nitrogen is colder than liquid methane.

What is the advantage of transporting sulfur as a liquid?

1 - sulphur's density is 2g/cm3 and does not weigh that much 2 - liquid sulphur does not stink, or give out a foul smell 3 - liquid sulphur is easier to transport than gas sulfur

What is the liquid substance in Saturn's moon titan?

It is liquid methane.

Does methane bubbles rise?

yes. Because methane is lighter than any liquid, bubbles of methane will always rise in solution.

Is methane a gas solid or liquid?

beacuse it is becaiuse its called methane and starts with a M and ends with E :)

What rules apply for transporting liquid nitrogen in a motor vehicle?

is it legal to transport liquid nitrogen

Is there liqide on titan?

Yes, in the form of liquid methane

Is titan the only moon known to hold liquid water?

Titan has no liquid water, it is too cold. But it does have oceans of methane. On Earth the temperature is way to hot for methane to be in liquid state. But on the cold surface of Titan the temperature and atmospheric pressure is just right for methane to exist in liquid form.Similar to how the temperature on Earth is just right for water to exist in liquid form.

Is there liqide on titan the moon'?

not liquid water, but liquid methane among other things

Can methane be a gas at -161.5c as it's boiling point?

Indeed it can. At the boiling point liquid methane is in equilbrium with gaseous methane, so both exist simultaneously.

Is Jupiter made of liquid methane?

No. Hydrogen is the main constituent of Jupiter and a lot of it is liquid hydrogen.