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Q: What is the advantage of using an aliquot for titration?
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When using a pipet can you state the volume of the aliquot without calculating it?

Yes, cause an aliquot is a small volume of something and I believe in this experiment you are also using a volumetric pipet, which should give you the exact volume of the aliquot.

What is the advantage of using indicator rather than using thermometer to detect the end point of an acid base titration?

At the endpoint of an acidimetric titration there is no temperature change at all, so a thermometer won't indicate that.You'd better use the color change of a proper indicator when the pH changes at the end point. The only advantage is that it works well!

Why is the vinegar diluted before titration?

1. The advantage in diluting the solution before titration is that it allows for greater accuracy in the titration; this is because the color change in the solution is easier to observe if it is a dilute solution.

What is the advantage of using burrette compared to using measuring cylinder?

A burette is preferred for titration over a measured cylinder because it can give a finer volume reading. You can also add in all your chemicals at the start of the experiment.

What is the purpose for using phenolphthalein for an acid base titration?

It's the colour indicator you watch for during the titration.

What is an aliquot?

An aliquot is a portion of something. In chemistry it denotes the exact factor or divisor, so that there is no remainder.

Can you have viva questions on titration?

pink colour obtain on titration with potesium dicromate by using indicater n phanyl anthronilic

Discussion for acid-base titration experiment?

discussion for the titration of NaOH and HNO3 by using phenolphthalein & methyl orange indicators

How do you find the pH during a titration?

using pH meter

Techniques used for determination of calcium and magnesium in natural water samples?

Atomic absorption spectroscopy, complexometry titration, colorimetric titration direct potentiometric titration by using of selective ion-electrodes.

What is the known fraction of a whole?

Answer is: Aliquot.

Known fraction of a whole?
