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because society change and cause chnaging culturee

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Q: What is the affect of sociopolitical change on language change?
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When did Sociopolitical Ramifications happen?

Sociopolitical Ramifications happened in 1994.

When was Sociopolitical Ramifications created?

Sociopolitical Ramifications was created in 1994.

How can bilingualism affect your nation?

Bilingualism can promote cultural diversity and understanding, enhance communication and collaboration across different language groups, and increase economic opportunities by allowing access to a wider range of markets and industries. However, challenges can arise in language policy, education, and social integration that may need to be addressed to fully harness the benefits of bilingualism for a nation.

What are five sociopolitical problems in Kenya?

the pople

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An antirevolutionary is a person who opposes a sociopolitical revolution.

How do you change the language on the sims 2?

You can not change the language.

How does media affect language?

Media can influence language by popularizing new words or phrases, creating language trends, and spreading language variations across different regions. It can also affect vocabulary, grammar, and communication styles due to exposure to different forms of media content. Additionally, media can contribute to language change and evolution as new technologies and platforms emerge.

How do you change the language on YouTube to English?

You can't change a language for a youtube video. The video is uploaded in whatever language it was recorded in. You can only change the language for the youtube page.

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how to change langusge language in digiwalker?

Change language of Adobe Flash cs3?

just change the language

In what ways does migration affect language?

Migration can affect language in several ways. First, migrants may adopt the language of their new country, leading to language loss and assimilation. Second, migration can lead to language contact and the development of new dialects or languages as different linguistic communities interact. Lastly, migrants may also contribute to language revitalization by preserving and promoting their native languages in their new communities.

How do you change Photoshop language to Punjabi?

You can not change language to Punjabi because Photoshop currently do not support that language.