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Q: What is the age of earth accepted by most scientists?
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What is the age of the earth that is accepted by most scientists?

Roughly 4.5 billion years.

Scientists believe that the Earth is presently overdue for an Ice Age?

Yes it is true that scientists believe that the Earth is presently overdue for an Ice Age. The Ice Age happens in different cycles.

What is the process by which scientists can estimate the age of the Earth called?

It is called a recall

How do scientists know how old the moon is?

The nMoon was once a part of the Earth, so it is the same age as the earth.

Why have scientists had a difficult time determing the age of earth.?

doesn't say anything

List the three most famous scientists of the Hellenistic Age?

Aristarchus found out the planets revolved around the sun, not he sun revolved around Earth.

What do scientists think will probably cause Earth's next ice age?

changes in Earth's orbit and the tilt of its axis

Age of the Earth acording to catholics?

The same age as scientists deem correct. About 4 billion years old.

Why do scientists need to find out the age of the earth?

It helps to fill in pieces of the knowledge puzzle.

How old do scientists do infer the Earth is?

Best estimates put the Earth's age at approximately 4.6 billion years old.

What made the climate of northern Africa change from tropical to grasslands and then to desert?

Most scientists believe that the Sahara in Northern Africa changed from grasslands to desert due to a change in the Earth's orbit.

What is the law of superposition and how does it help scientists learn about earth's past?

Determine the age of the layers of rocks