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21 in most state you can't even hold it before ur 21

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Q: What is the age that minors can touch alcohol?
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What is the law in Oklahoma for buying alcohol for minors?

In most States of most Countries - If you buy alcohol for minors you will be in serious trouble with The Law

When may minors legally consume alcohol?

No. Alcohol is illegal to serve to a person below the age of 21. If they do the bar can loose its license to sell alcohol.

Is there a movie called under age minors?

Unaccompanied Minors

Is it okay to serve alcohol to minors in a private club as long as they are guest?

No, it is not okay to serve alcohol to minors in a private club. Even if they are guest, it is still considered supplying minors with alcoholic beverages, which is illegal in most states.

Are there more risk factors for adults then there are for minors as it relates to drug and alcohol use?

No, Minors are at a greater risk.

What is the marine corps policy and possible punishment for providing alcohol to minors?

The Marine providing alcohol to any minors will be punished under the UCMJ and will be trial by court martial.

Can a 17 year old be served alcohol by their parent or guardian?

The laws vary by state and by country. In the US, seventeen states have laws against possession of alcohol by minors, but they do not prohibit its consumption by minors. Fourteen states specifically permit minors to drink alcohol given to them by their parents or by someone entrusted by their parents. Many states also permit the drinking of alcohol under the age of 21 for religious or health reasons. In some countries, the legal age for buying alcoholic beverages is based on the ABV (Alcohol by Volume) and some levels of ABV may be bought by those age 14 and up or age 16 and up. There is no legal drinking age in France and consumption of alcohol at home is not restricted. However, it is forbidden to sell any type of alcoholic beverage to a person younger than 18 years of age. In Germany, control of the consumption of alcoholic beverages is in the hands of parents and guardians. Beer and wine may be consumed by minors at the age of 14 in public and in the company of their legal guardian, but you must be 16 years old to buy beer and wine and 18 years old to buy spirits.

How do you report a store for selling alcohol to minors?

tell the cops.

How do you NOT get prosecuted for providing alcohol to several minors?

The only way is to not give alcohol to minors. Sounds silly to say so, but that is the only way to NOT get prosecuted. There MAY be many ways to not get convicted.

what would happen if you got caught drinking alcohol under the age of 19 in Canada?

You may be charged in a court of law since the law recognizes teenagers as minors.

Most states have a zero tolerance law for minors under the influence of alcohol or in possession of alcohol?


Is it illegal for minors to eat food prepared with alcohol?

It is not illegal for minors to eat food prepared with alcohol, alcohol rapidly evaporates at room temperature and boils at 173 degrees. These properties cause the alcohol to evaporate from the food during cooking, leaving only the flavor from the liquor.