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Q: What is the agonist and antagonist muscles in a Plank?
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What muscles relax when the agonist muscles contract?

in the arm: bicep contracts (agonist) triceps relax (antagonist) in the leg: hamstrings contract (agonist) quadriceps relaxes (antagonist) remember the agonist is the muscle "agonising" to do the work - like pulling the joint.

What is the Agonist and antagonist in trunk flexion?

Rectus abdominis is the prime agonist and the superior and inferior oblique muscles are synergists. Erector spinae is an antagonist including a number of other muscles of the back.

What is the antagonist for planks?

The antagonist for plank exercises are the muscles on the front of the body, particularly the muscles of the hips and abdomen, such as the hip flexors and rectus abdominis. These muscles work in opposition to the muscles engaged during a plank, which are predominantly the muscles of the back, core, and shoulders.

How do agonist and antagonist muscles work together at joints?

the agonist of the muscle is a motion that contracts the body to move in its opposition the antagonist is the muscle that causes movement of the posterior and anterior terms of the human body.

What are Agonist and antagonist of muscarinic receptors?

Agonist is muscarine and antagonist is atropine.

Is Adderall an agonist or antagonist?


What is the agonist antagonist and synergist for tricep extension?

Antagonist: lats Agonist: Abdominals

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Difference between agonist and antagonist?

Agonist works with the muscles, and the antagonist is the muscle working against it in a contraction. i.e. Bicep curl, the agonist is the Biceps brachii and the antagonist muscle is the triceps brachii.The word agonist means "producing an action" - an antagonist opposes that action. In medicine, an agonist binds to a receptor site and causes a response, often imitating the natural body reaction. An antagonist acts against this drug and blocks the response. for examples ramiels small balls and pubic hair

Agonist and antagonist of lateral dumbell raise?

agonist : trapizius antagonist: latissimus dorsi

What are the agonist and antagonist muscles in the seated row?

The agonists are the muscles that help you to do this exercise. The antagonists are the muscles that bring you back to a regular position instead of being stuck.