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Aldehydic is a condition when the wine have been spoiled and oxidised.

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Q: What is the aldehydic wine?
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dimedone is used in Spectrophotofluorimetric Determination of Aldehydes.corresponding ref. Mikrochim. Acta 1968:148-159, 1968.

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i m not sure with my answer... i think so it wont answer.. since we use highly concentrated alkali medium.. Chlorine will reacts more faster than carbonyl carbon and forms aldehydic acid.

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A French wine is a wine made in France.

What practical application might be made of the tollen's reaction?

The most practical application of the Tollen's reaction is to detect an aldehydic group in a compound. The reaction is as follows: RCHO + 3OH- + 2[Ag(NH3)2]+ --> RCOO- + 2H2O + 2Ag + 4NH3.

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Alsace wine or Alsatian wine. It is a French wine produced in the Alsace region.

What is another term for leather wine holder?

A common term for a leather wine holder is a "wine carrier" or "wine tote."