

What is the altitude for exosphere?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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12y ago

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its easy to say its.......500-515km

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Q: What is the altitude for exosphere?
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It has to be carried there by a rocket, which takes it to the required altitude and orbital speed.

Is the elevation above sea level?

The previous person put exosphere (lol), but it is not, it is Altitude.

What is in the international space station?

above the msosphere and below the exosphere sumwhere around there Its orbit is in the thermosphere which is approximately at a altitude of 300km. it is above the mesosphere and below the exosphere.

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above the msosphere and below the exosphere sumwhere around there Its orbit is in the thermosphere which is approximately at a altitude of 300km. it is above the mesosphere and below the exosphere.

What is the elevation above sea level?

The previous person put exosphere (lol), but it is not, it is Altitude.

What is the proper order of the layers of a generic atmosphere from lowest altitude to highest?

The atmosphere has four layers. Here is the order of the layer from the lowest altitude: the troposphere, stratosphere, thermosphere, and the exosphere.

What altitude is the exosphere?

Well, that's hard to say. You can take an estimate by knowing that it is the uppermost atmospheric layer, and that beyond it, is outer space. The exosphere is right above the thermosphere (and ionosphere), and the thermosphere can range up to 85-500 km. above Earth. So yeah, the exosphere is pretty high up. P.S. The exosphere is where space shuttles travel.

The outermost layer of the sun's atmosphere?

The outermost layer of the earth's atmosphere is the exosphere (about 500 to 200 km altitude). It is practically a vacuum. When listing only the four major layers, the exosphere is sometimes considered part of the thermosphere. (see related questions)

Which atmosphere layer ends where outer space begins?

The outermost layer of the earth's atmosphere is the exosphere (about 500 to 200 km altitude). It is practically a vacuum. When listing only the four major layers, the exosphere is sometimes considered part of the thermosphere. (see related questions)

How far is the start of the atmosphere from the surface of earth?

The atmosphere begins at the surface of the Earth and extends to space. The upper levels are the thermosphere (up to about 500-650 km altitude) and the exosphere (generally from 500 to 2000 km altitude but is nearly a vacuum).