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Q: What is the amount of stuff in something?
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Name something a couple might argue about on a vacation?

The amount of money being spent on unnecessary stuff

What is the relatinship between mass and weight?

Mass is the amount of 'stuff' in an object. Weight is the amount of gravitational pull needed to pull the object towards the Earth. The mass of something never changes where the weight of something does, depending on the amount of gravitational pull a planet has. I hope this was helpful :)

Why the mass does not change from place to place?

mass is the amount of matter (stuff) you're made out of, so it won't change unless you add or subtract something.

What is the difference between mass and weight with answer?

Mass is the amount of stuff there is in something (e.g: how many balls there are in a bag). speaking in scientific terms you would say "the amount of matter that something is made of". The mass is usually measured in Gram's) or kilograms(kg). Your mass will not change if you go into space or something. The weight is the amount of force with which gravity pulls something towards the earth. this usually measured in newtons. (N) Hope this helped ;)x

Do size and mass mean the same?

Yes but NO

Why Not your mass does not change if you go to the moon?

Because your mass is the measure of the amount of matter or "stuff" you or something are made of. And according to the law of conservation of mass, mass cannot be created or destroyed, so while on the moon you may weigh less due to smaller amounts of gravity, you still have the same amount of matter or "stuff" in you.

Which is better nothing or boring stuff?

boring stuff. you can trade the boring stuff for something cooler

Are mass and density the same?

NO, mass is the measure of weight, and density is the measure of mass and volume divided my themselves. They are very different.

What is the definition of stuff?

Stuff has a few different definitions. Stuff is the matter out of which something is created. Stuff is any item or belonging that we can see. Everything we see around us is stuff. The other definition means to fill something or to cram it in tightly.

What is a value that tells the amount of something?

To tell the amount of something, you take a measurement.

Is mass the height?

No, mass is the amount of "stuff" in an object.

What word mean the amount on which you pay taxes on?
