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Q: What is the anecdote of the eagle the cat and the wild sow?
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What is a wild female boar called?

A sow - just like all other pigs

What do dandelion's poisonous look-alikes look like?

There are a number of Dandelion look alikes, such as Wild Lettuce, Sow Thistle and Cat's Ear, but none of them are poisonous and all of them are edible.

What is a 3 lettered farm animal?

cow, pig, dog, sow, cat

How many animals that have three letter word?

emu eel cat dog rat pig cow sow doe

How can we use sow and sow in one sentence?

The farmer wanted to teach his sow to sow.

What is group of wild boar called?

== == A young hog is called a pig, shoat or barrow. Another name for a hog is pig, and a young pig is a piglet. A barrow is a castrated male pig of any age A shoat is a young pig that has just stopped taking milk from its sow

What do guinea pigs eat in the the wild?

In the wild, guinea pigs eat grasses, clover, dandelions, plantain, and sow thistle. There are other plants they can eat, but those listed above are the main ones.

What is a homonym for sow?

the real answer will be: sow= snowwhat is a homonym for sow?the answer is snow

What do you cal a mother guinea pig?

A mother cow could also be referred to as the "dam."

Which is sow a homophone or homograph?

"Sow" is a homograph because it can have two different meanings and pronunciations: as a verb meaning to plant seeds, pronounced like "soh"; and as a noun referring to a female pig, pronounced like "sow."

Who fought the clazmonian sow in greek mythology?

There are a couple of wild pigs in Greek mythology:The Clazomenaean Boar is mentioned by Aelian as "a sow with wings, and it ravaged the territory of Klazomenai", but no mention is made of its slaughter.The Crommyonian Sow was the pet of an hag named Phaia and terrorised the countryside around Crommyon. Both the boar and its mistress were killed by Theseus when he was traveling to Athens.