

Wild Cats

The 36 species of the wild cat family are spread across most of the globe. Big cats, like lions and tigers, get much of the attention, but the vast majority of the wild cat species fall into the small cats category. This is the category that will satisfy your curiosity about wild cats.

458 Questions

What is a symbiotic relationship that involves the sand cat?

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One symbiotic relationship that involves the sand cat is with the sand fox. The sand cat and sand fox coexist in their shared desert habitat, often hunting together and sharing prey. This mutualistic relationship benefits both species by increasing their chances of successful hunting and survival in the harsh desert environment.

What job does a mountain lion perform for its ecosystem?

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A mountain lion plays a crucial role as a top predator in its ecosystem. By controlling populations of prey species, it helps maintain balance in the food chain and promotes biodiversity. Additionally, mountain lions can help regulate the health of ecosystems by targeting weaker individuals, thus strengthening overall population genetics.

Is there Panthera Tigris in Madagascar?

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No, the Panthera Tigris, commonly known as the tiger, is not found in Madagascar. Tigers are native to Asia, particularly in countries like India, Nepal, and Indonesia. Madagascar is home to a unique array of wildlife, but tigers are not among them.

What is the adaptations lion?

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Lions have adaptations that help them survive in their environment, such as sharp claws and strong jaws for hunting and eating prey, keen eyesight for spotting prey from a distance, and a social structure that allows them to live in groups called prides to hunt cooperatively and protect each other. They also have a camouflaged fur coat that helps them blend into their surroundings while stalking prey.

Which animal is the strongest among the family cat?

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The tiger is the largest and strongest member of the cat family. They are known for their muscular build, powerful jaws, and ability to take down large prey.

What is a forest lion?

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There is no specific species known as a "forest lion." It could be a term used to describe a lion that lives in a forest habitat or it could be a misnomer for other big cats that inhabit forests, such as the jaguar or the cougar.

What is the binomial name for wildcat?

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The binomial name for wildcat is Felis silvestris.

Is a cat a placental mammal?

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Yes, a cat is a placental mammal. Placental mammals are a group of animals that give birth to live young, nourished through a placenta during gestation. Cats fall into this category as they exhibit this reproductive mechanism.

Are lions and tigers from the same species?

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No, lions and tigers are not from the same species. Lions are of the species Panthera leo, while tigers are of the species Panthera tigris. They are both part of the Panthera genus, but belong to different species.

How many books are there in the whole entire cat warrioirs series?

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There are a total of seven sub-series in the Warriors series, with six books in each sub-series, making a total of 42 books in the main series. Additionally, there are several spin-off books and novellas, bringing the total number of books in the Warriors series to over 70.

What feature do the leopard tiger cheetah and jaguar have in common?

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both are predators... they hunt they are mammals spots... cats...

Why are Scottish Wildcats endangered?

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because so many people want there skin to sell
Transmission of feline infectious diseases plays a large part. Diseases like distemper, upper respiratory infections and feline herpes can be quite debilitating in a wild cat since they do not have the built-up resistance that many domestic cats possess.
Well, wild cats, like lions etc, are endangered bacause people hunt them, and because hier habbitats are being ruined.

What is the smallest wild cat in North America?

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Officially the bobcat, but there are rumors and sightings of Jaguarundi's in the conifer forests of Florida.

What is the 2nd largest cat in the world?

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Siberian Tigers. They get up to 700 lbs or so. They get so big by packing on layers of fat to keep themselves warm in the winter, as compared to other tigers. The second largest cat would be the male African lion. They can get up to 550 lbs whereas Bengal Tigers only get up to 500 lbs.

What is the largest cat that can purr?

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From what I understand from the discovery channel, the largest cat that has the ability to purr is the Puma or Mountain Lion.

How are cheetah's claws different from all other cats big or small?

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They are always visible because they are only semi-retractable.

Which are most closely related lions and tigers or lions and cougars?

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Tigers are not cats, different of the family.

What species of big cat is the most agile?

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The most vicious cat out there is the Indian Tiger. They have it in their nature and are always out on the hunt! They are large cats so they need to feed themselves a lot. Many people think lions are the most vicious cats around, when that's not true at all. For I assure you the most vicious cat is definitely the tiger!

Is a white cat lucky or not lucky?

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Well, it really depends on if you believe they do or not. I mean, if I were a cat, red or any other color, I wouldn't want to bring good luck to someone who just shooed me away or scoffed at me. Since I'm a cat lover, I believe that all cats are good luck if you take care of them and love them.

Do cheetahs always go for the neck?

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Cheetahs normally pick their cubs by the neck since that is the safest part of the body to carry them by. They usually carry their young ones to a safer place or a place with food.

What are the jaguars lifespan?

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18 years, but one of the oldest jaguars found in the wild was 21 years old! But that's in the wild, in zoos some can live up to 30 years

Why isn't the tiger the king of the jungle?

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Asked by Kara White

well, who said Tiger isn't called King of the Jungle, in my opinion, since both Lion and Tiger are virtually the same, built from the same essential hardware, both are equally fit for the title, majestic looks, dignified, insanely bulky, their roar that is capable of terrifying everything in the jungle, heavily armed, too powerful for their size, their role in their respective habitats and 250 kilos of pure muscle and power, and that makes them perfectly fit for the role..

Hope this works.

Can Siamese cats retract their claws?

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no they have 5 claws on each paw.