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Q: What is the animal called being pushed over the edge?
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What is the American expression that means being pushed over the edge?


What is the outer edge of an animal cell called?

The outside layer of the animal cell is the cell membrane.

Can robots be pushed over the edge?

Yes if u push them

What is the edge of settlement for early settler who pushed westward?


Always being on the edge of nuclear war is called?

I believe this is called Mutually Assured Destruction.

How can crust disappear at the edge of a boundary?

Crust can disappear at the edge of a boundary through subduction, where one tectonic plate is pushed beneath another. This process causes the crust to be pulled into the mantle and reabsorbed, leading to the disappearance of crust at the boundary.

Although a number of things brought about World War 1 there was one event that pushed Europe over the edge What was that event?

The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was the one event that pushed Europe over the edge and brought about World War I.

What is it called when one plate is pushed another plate as they collide?

subduction boundary!!!

What is edge of a leaf called?

A leaf's edge is called its margin.

Why did john cena push Triple H out of the ring at the 2008 WWE Draft?

Cena did'nt push triple h out of the ring, Edge pushed cena in HHH and therefore it looked like cena pushed him but he did'nt. One of the commentators even said that edge pushed cena just as triple h was falling out of the ring.Anyways why would cena want to eliminate triple h when he could have been drafted to smackdown if he lost to edge

What is the center and edge of a circle called?

The centre of a circle is simply called the cnetre. The edge may called the perimeter, the circumference or the edge.

What is Edge of a glass or cup called?

The top edge of a glass or cup is called the rim.