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Q: What is the answer for this Walked is to sprinted as drank is to?
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Related questions

What are other words instead of ran?

walked. jogged. sprinted. hurried.

What part of speech is sprinted?

"Sprinted" is a verb.

How do you use sprinted in a sentence?

He sprinted into action.

How do you use the word sprinted?

She sprinted for the finish line. The horse sprinted over the gate and escaped.

What does darting mean?

It means sprinted or ran quickly.

Is sprinteed a verb?

Did you mean "sprinted"? Like "The runners sprinted down the track"? If so, then, yes, sprinted is a verb. It is the verb 'to sprint' conjugated in the past tense.

What is the past tense of to race?

The past tense of "race" is "raced".

What are 25 ways to say went?

hopped, ran, skipped, drove, sprinted, jumped, walked, hiked, speed walked, leaped, stretched, escorted, strolled, roamed, paced, galloped, skated, rode

Is sprinted a onomatopoeia?


What is sprinted in another word?


Another word for walked?

walk: stride, stroll, saunter (just add "ed" to the end of each)

What can be a more exciting verb for ran?
