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Q: What is the answer to como van ustedes a la escuela?
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What does como van a la escuela mean in English?

"Como van a la escuela" in English means "how do they go to school."

What does como es la escuela mean?

"Como es la escuela" means "What is the school like?" in English.

How do you answer como llegas a la escuela?

It means: how do you get to school. How you answer it depends on how you get to school.

What does como estaba la escuela mean?

The term Como estaba la escuela translated from Spanish to English is as was the school. Spanish is a Romance language that originated in Castile, a region of Spain.

How do you say how is school going in Spanish?

Como VA la escuela?

How do you answer A que hora van ustedes a la escuela in spanish?

A que hora van uds. a la escuela means what time are you/do you go to school?you could answer by saying nosotros vamos a la escuela a las 8 which means we go to school at 8.

What does como eres en la escuela mean?

How are you in school? (probably talking about your grades)

How do you say How was school in Spanish?

como te pasaste el dia al la escuela?

What does como vas a la escuela por la mañana mean?

This literally means "How is your school?" in Spanish. This form of "is" refers to identity, not condition. It's asking about the character of the school, not the current events. In English we might say, "What is your school like?" to ask the same thing.

How do ask a student how things are going spanish?

Como va la escuela? (How is school going)

How do you say they go to school in Spanish?

"Ellos van a la escuela".

What does van a la escuela en mean?

they are going (or go) to school