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Q: What is the answers to the US history beginnings to 1877 in guided Reading workbook?
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The answers are not provided via the internet for the workbook. Teachers will need to be visited if the answers can not be obtain through study materials.

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No, you have to work out the answers for yourself.

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Try reading the book and the answers will be there.

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Reading history critically involves analyzing, questioning, and evaluating historical sources to uncover biases, perspectives, and underlying motivations. It involves examining the context in which historical events occurred, considering various viewpoints, and understanding how those events have shaped the present. Critical reading of history helps to challenge traditional narratives and gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of the past.

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Reading and History hobbies.

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Most scholars designate around 3500-3100 BCE as the beginning of the first true civilization in Sumer. This period marks the emergence of city-states, writing systems (such as cuneiform), advanced architectural developments like ziggurats, and complex societal structures in the region.

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