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Q: What is the anteaters nose called?
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Is an anteaters nose called a trunk?

The anteaters have trunks to eat ants and spit water like an elefant.

How does anteaters breathe?

Through its nose

How long is a anteaters nose?

12 inches

What is a anteaters nose formed by?

beacase they love ant

What are giant anteaters young called?

what are giant anteaters babies called

What is the name of an anteaters nose?

It isn't a nose.Its an elongated jaw.

Why are anteaters called anteaters if they eat mostly termites?

i do not know and I don't care. ADIEU. BYE BYE

What are giant baby anteaters called?


What do you call a group of Anteater?

a clan or a family but anteaters are rarely seen in groups. a group of anteaters is called a candle

What is a male anteater called?

Anteaters male and female anteater are similar to pigs. The male is called a boar and female is a sow. Young anteaters are referred to as pups.

Is an anteaters nose soft?

No, you can try it...but it does not. The anteater's snout is made of bone on the inside.

How long is an ant eaters nose?

an anteaters tail is 28-35 inches long