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Anterior refers to the head end of a bilaterally symmetrical animal. The word posterior refers to the rear end or tail end.

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Q: What is the anterior end of the body called on bilaterally symmetrical animals?
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Flatworm:Any of various parasitic and nonparasitic worms of the phylum Platyhelminthes, such as a tapeworm or a planarian, characteristically having a soft, flat, bilaterally symmetrical body and no body cavity. Also called platyhelminth.Hope it helped :)

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Features that distinguish earthworm from phylum platyhelminthes and phylum neinatoda?

Platyhelminthes are bilaterally symmetrical, nonsegmented, dorsoventrally flattened worms characterized by lack of coelom, anus, circulatory and respiratory systems, and exo- or endoskeleton. Nematoda are bilaterally symmetrical and usually tapered at both ends. Some species have separate sexes; others are hermaphroditic.Nematodes have a unique excretory system consisting, in simpler species, of one or two one-celled glands called renette cells and, in more highly specialized forms, of longitudinal excretory ducts. Earthworm (phylum annelid)- The body is annular, made up of segments that are most specialized in the rear. Earthworms have a simple circulatory system. They have two main blood vessels that extend through the length of their body: a ventral blood vessel which leads the blood to the posterior end, and a dorsal blood vessel which leads to the anterior end. Unlike platyhelminthes and nematoda, they do possess a body cavity (coelom).

Earthworms distinguishing features from members of phylum platyhelminthes and phylum nematoda?

Platyhelminthes are bilaterally symmetrical, nonsegmented, dorsoventrally flattened worms characterized by lack of coelom, anus, circulatory and respiratory systems, and exo- or endoskeleton. Nematoda are bilaterally symmetrical and usually tapered at both ends. Some species have separate sexes; others are hermaphroditic. Nematodes have a unique excretory system consisting, in simpler species, of one or two one-celled glands called renette cells and, in more highly specialized forms, of longitudinal excretory ducts. Earthworm (phylum annelid)- The body is annular, made up of segments that are most specialized in the rear. Earthworms have a simple circulatory system. They have two main blood vessels that extend through the length of their body: a ventral blood vessel which leads the blood to the posterior end, and a dorsal blood vessel which leads to the anterior end. Unlike platyhelminthes and nematoda, they do possess a body cavity (coelom).

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