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Q: What is the antonym of flustered?
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Is upset an antonym or a synoym?

Upset can be either an antonym or a synonym. Flustered would be a synonym. Calm would be an antonym. Since upset can be a noun, verb or an adjective, There could three answers for each!

What is a sentence with flustered?

I was so flustered by the commotion, I failed my exam again.

How do you say flustered in Yiddish?

The Yiddish word for "flustered" is "געשמיסט" (geshmist).

What is a sentence using 'flustered'?

Writing sentences is not hard; don't get so flustered about it.

How would you use Flustered in a sentence?

The child became flustered when questioned by his mother about his test scores.

What rhymes with blustered?


What actors and actresses appeared in Flustered - 2010?

The cast of Flustered - 2010 includes: Brook Pruitt as Male 1

What does it mean when someone says you get me all flustered?

Flustered means that you're not entirely certain what you should do or say; you are agitated and confused.

What are they composed of?

the oppisite of compose is flustered

What rhymes with musturd?

Custard, flustered

What are composed of?

the oppisite of compose is flustered

How do you use flustered make a sentence?

The poor girl was flustered because her dog ran away and her parents grounded her. Hope this helps! :)