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Q: What is the app where you take a photo and it looks it up on the internet?
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Does updating any app in the app store take a lot of gigs off your internet?

No, updating an app in the app store does not take a lot of gigs of the internet like downloading it for the first time.

How do you transfer images from internet to the iPad app paper 53?

Hold your finger on the image, and choose Save Image. It will then be loaded into your photo gallery. From there, any app can access it.

What is the app called where you take a picture and it turns into a emoji picture?

There is a few apps that can be installed that you can take a picture and turn it into a emoji picture. You can try the photo bucket app.

What app will let me know i already have that photo in my gallery-?

For mobile devices, there is not an app that will let you know if you already have a photo in your gallery.

What is that app for Android phones that you can take a picture and transform it into a alien?

An app for Android phones where you can take a picture and transform it into an alien is the Ultimate Free Photo Editor. There is also an X-Ray app that edits photos similarly.

Is there any app for android like photo candy for ios?

i want an app for android devices like "photo candy" which is for iphoneany app that adds patterns and shapes just like photo candy?!please tell me if you know some!

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Can you buy an Internet app for an iPhone?

for an iphone there's already an app called safari which is the internet

Does the iPod touch have internet?

It has an Internet app.

Is there an app where you can take a photo on your smart phone an find out what plant it is?

You can try using Google Googles. It will try to recognize what shot you took.

How do you put an attachment on an iPad Photo etc.?

To attach a photo to an email message, start in the Photos app, choose the photo and click the export button (the square with the curved arrow). You can't do it by starting at the Mail app.

What is the best photo editing app?

photoshop software.