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Lustrous metallic with a grayish tinge.

Source: Wikipedia
the apperance is the uses of it so theres lots of things people use iron like Wrought Iron gates, Iron wheel, Iron pot ect.ect.

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brown powder

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Q: What is the appearance of the mixture of iron and sulfur?
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What is appearance of the mixture of iron and sulfur?

brown powder

Is unheated sulfur and iron filings is substance or mixture?

Sulfur and iron filings together are a mixture.

Is iron filings and powdered sulfur a homogeneous mixture?

No, the mixture of powdered sulfur and iron filling are not a homogenous mixture, they are a heterogenous mixture.

What mineral is made by sulfur and iron and is also a mixture?

The mineral made by sulfur and iron that is also a mixture is pyrite, also known as fool's gold. Pyrite has a metallic luster and is commonly found in sedimentary rocks, where it forms as a result of the reaction between sulfur and iron under specific geological conditions.

What type of mixture is formed when iron filling reacts with sulfur powder?

Reacting iron with sulfur an iron sulfide is formed, not a mixture.

What will happen if you mix iron sulfur mixture and hydrochloric acid?

When iron sulfur mixture is mixed with hydrochloric acid, a chemical reaction occurs. The sulfur will react with the hydrochloric acid to form hydrogen sulfide gas, while the iron will also react with the acid to produce iron chloride and hydrogen gas. This reaction will release heat and gas, creating bubbling and possibly some fumes.

How is iron sulphide a compound and not just a mixture of iron and sulfur?

Because in a chemical compound is a chemical bond between the elements. From a mixture of iron and sulfur iron can be separated with a magnet.

How could a student use a magnet to indicate that combining iron an sulfur to produce the mixture of iron and sulfur is a physical change?

A mixture of iron and sulfur can be separated using a magnet- the iron will be attracted to the magnet, sulfur will not. Not the that the iron could be coated with sulfur powder so an extra step is required to remove it.

What kind of mixture is sulfur and iron fillings?

it is a heterogenous mixture

Is powdered sulfur and iron filling a mixture or a solution?

a mixture

If a mixture of iron filings and sulfur will make the iron and sulfur atoms combined checically what would that be?

Iron sulfide

Is iron and sulfur a solution?

Iron and sulfur mixed together are not a solution because they do not dissolve in each other. Instead, they form a physical mixture known as a mixture or a heterogeneous mixture.