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9 585 000 Km2 is the answer.

By Justin Bieber's Girlfriend Stephanie

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Q: What is the area of China in km2?
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How do China and Australia compare in terms of size?

China has an area of 9,596,961 km2. Australia has an area of 7,741,220 km2. China is 1,855,741 km2 larger then Australia.

How many times can Taiwan fit in china?

Taiwan is around 0.0004 times the size of China. It would take approximately 2582 Taiwans to cover the land area of China.

What is china's area in square kilometres?

China is 9,596,961 km2

What is the area of China in square kilometres?

China - 9,596,960 km2

What is china's total area in relation to the us?

China is approximately 9.6 million square kilometers in size, making it slightly larger than the United States, which is about 9.3 million square kilometers in total area.

What is the area of China in square km?

China covers an area of about 9.6 million km2

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Venezuela, total area: 916 445 km2 USA, total area: 9 629 048 km2 Tanzania, total area: 945 087 km2 France, area (mainland): 551 500 km2 Australia, total area: 7'686'850 km2 China , total area: 9 596 960 km2 Antartica, total area: 14 000 000 km2 (280 000 km2 free of ice)

What is the area of china km?

9,596,961 km2

Which is larger Canada or china?


Is there a city in the world larger that Rhode Island?

No, Rhode Island has an area of 4002 km2 whereas the city with the largest area is Guangzhou in China with an area of 3843.43 km2.

What fraction of Earth's total landmass is China?

Area of China: 9,671,018 km2 Area of Earth's surface area: 510,072,000 km2 Area of Earth's land area: 148,940,000 km2 Area of China to Earth's total surface area: 4,835,509/255,036,000 or 0.019% Area of China to Earth's total land area: 4,835,509/74,470,000 or 0.065%

How many square KM is China?

9.6 Million Kilometer Squared