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This is called the renal lobe.

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Q: What is the area of the kidney that includes the cortex and medulla?
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Frontal section through the kidney will reveal on outer area called the cortex and an inner area known as what?


How is the cortex different from the medulla in the kidney?

The cortex of the kidney is the outer layer containing medullary rays (striations formed by tubules) and medullary lobules (cortical tissue). This region also contains the main filtration mechanisms: renal (Malphighian) corpuscles that contain glomeruli (capillary tufts). The red/brown color is due to the blood within the many capillaries of this area.

What is the corticomedullary junction?

Kidney contain two major anatomical areas which are distinct in appearane and function,cortex(outer) and medulla(inner).Their junctional area is cortico-medullary junction.

What are facts about the human brain?

Some parts of the brain are the cerebral cortex , medulla oblongata , thalamus and the outer portion of the brain is the sensory area.

The Brain area that regulates activities that control the state of wakefulness or alertness of the cerebral cortex?

the brain area that regulated activities that control the state of wakefulness or alertness of the cerebral cortex is the

What are extra-pyramidal centers?

premotor area of cerebral cortex (area 6)corpus striatum (caudate & lentiform nuclei)subthalamic nucleus (in subthalamus)red nucleus (in midbrain)substantia nigra (in midbrain)inferior olivary nucleus (in medulla)nuclei of reticular formation (in brainstem)

What are brodman areas?

The brodmann area is a part of the cerebral cortex of the human brain. These areas are responsible for motor cortex, visual cortex, and auditory cortex.

What is the target organ of ACTH?

It is a hormone, so the target area is blood. It transfers to different organs through the blood.

What is the chemosensitive area of the brain located at?


What represent the motor areas of the cortex?

Primary motor cortex, premotor cortex, Broca's area and frontal eye field

How do kindneys work?

the kidneys are made up of medulla and the cortex. the cortex is the lighter exterior, while the medulla is an area made up of feathery like structures closer to the center which are attached to the ureter. Inside the kidneys are millions of nephrons which filter the blood. they do this by having blood build up a high pressure in the glomerulus ( a ball of capillaries) so that the small molecules ( water,glucose,etc) are forced thorugh into the bowman's capsule while the blood cells and proteins stay, as they are too big to be filtered. :)

Why is the cortex wrinkled?

The folds of the brain cortex increase the surface area. Because the processing of the brain is done in the cortex, having an increased surface area allows for more processing power.