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Q: What is the area outside the nuclear membrane but inside the cell membrane?
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What is the area outside the nuclear membrane but inside the cell membrane and cell parts are located?

I believe what you are talking about is cytosol. Cytosol is the fluid inside cells in which the cell organelles exist in. It is mainly water with other subtances typically in solution combined. Hope this was some help. ^_^

How do you find the area of a shape with a shape inside of it?

You would find the area of the inside and outside shape (pretending that the inside shape was not in the outside shape). then, you would take the area of the outside shape and subtract the area of the inside shape.

Cytoplasm located toward the interior of the cell?

The cytoplasm is a gel-like substance that fills the interior of the cell and surrounds the organelles. It is where many cellular processes take place, such as metabolism, protein synthesis, and cell signaling. The cytoplasm also helps maintain the cell's shape and provides a medium for the movement of materials within the cell.

Does area mean outside or inside?


Is area outside?

no, inside

Is area in the inside of the shape or the outside?

area is inside the shape/figure

What is the area inside the cell membrane of bacterium called?

The area inside the cell membrane of a bacterium is called the cytoplasm. It contains various organelles and structures that are essential for the cell's functions, such as ribosomes, DNA, and enzymes.

Is the nucleus most closely associated with DNA?

It is literally packed into the entire area bound by the nuclear membrane.

is area the inside or outside of a shape aswer for 3rd graders?


Is the area on the outside?

Area is on the inside of a shape, you are thinking parameter.

Can hemorrhoids be around the outside anal area?

Yes hemorrhoids can be on the inside or outside of the anal area.

Does area mean the outside of a shape or the inside of a shape?

Inside of a shape.