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Q: What is the ascending branch of a convective current may produce an upwardly billowing cloud known as a?
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Cumulus cirrus stratus convective current ascending upward billowing cloud?

if you look up the main characteristics of all three cloud types you'll find your answer. The answer is Cumulus Cloud

Why an ascending current of air geys saturared?

when the temperature decreases

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Convective lifting is due to vertical instability. Convective current will form in order to transport the building heat energy at the surface upwards and to bring down cooler air aloft.

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The pilot should file a IFR flight plan and be ready for a rough ride.

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How does the navy blue angel jet make smoke trails?

In the current F18 model that the Blue Angels use, the nose cannon has been removed and replaced by an oil tank. The oil from this tanked is pumped along and dumped into the exhaust tailpipe to produce a white billowing smoke.

What is a blue dwarf?

A blue dwarf is a hypothetical type of star that develops from a red dwarf after it has exhausted much of its hydrogen fuel supply. Since red dwarf stars fuse hydrogen slowly and are fully convective (allowing a larger percentage of their total hydrogen supply to be fused), the current age of the universe is not old enough for any blue dwarfs to have formed yet.

Distance time graph of a moving body is air is ascending straight line?

objects that don't receive any othe force have acceleration a=10m/s, which means their velocity changes. the speed of an object is given by the formula u=V+a*t when the object is falling, and u=V-a*t when the obect is ascending., where u its current speed, V it's starting speed and t the time, and positive direction is down. through the use of integrals it is proven that its position is x=V*t+(-)a*t/2. this is a parabola graph, so no it is not a straight line.

How is the high osmolarity of the renal medulla is maintained?

Counter-current multiplication which occurs on the Vasa Recta helps maintain high osmolarity in the renal medulla Sodium Chloride (NaCl, or salt) is pumped out of the ascending limb of the loop of Henle. The result is that the renal medulla has a high salt concentration, and therefore a low water concentration.

How is radiation different from the other types of heat transfer?

The question asks only about the differences between radiation heating and convective heating. Refer to other answers concerning a description of these two types of heating. The differences between radiation and convection are:In radiation heating, the radiation itself is the source (but not necessarily the only source) of thermal energy, whereas in convection heating, a separate, external source is required to create the convective currents - that is, the currents themselves are not the source of the heat, they only transport the heat throughout the liquid being heated.Radiation heating can occur at distance - a heat lamp, for example, can keep something warm without coming into contact with the substance. In convection, the warmer and cooler liquids must be in contact with each other in order to create convective flow.Radiation will heat plasma, gas, liquid, or solid. Convection works only on liquids, including gasses.Radiation does not require a medium - light can pass through a vacuum and still heat up the target object. Convection requires a liquid medium through which heat can transfer through motion of the liquid.Radiation requires no motion of the target object in order to heat that object. Convection, by definition, requires the warmer liquid to rise and the cooler liquid to sink in order to create convective currents.Radiation will heat an object in a weightless or zero gravity environment. Convection cannot occur in a weightless of zero gravity environment, because there is no 'up' or 'down' in such environments in which a convective current can flow.Radiation tends to heat objects from the outside in. Convection tends to heat things from the bottom up.

Can the conditional formatting rules manager dialog box allow you to view all of the rules for the current selection or for an entire worksheet?

For the current selection.For the current selection.For the current selection.For the current selection.For the current selection.For the current selection.For the current selection.For the current selection.For the current selection.For the current selection.For the current selection.

How do you get a current ratio?

Formula for current ratio is as follows: Current ratio = Current assets / current liabilities