

What is the amu for sodium chloride?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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15y ago

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The molecular mass (not atomic) mass of sodium chloride is 58,44.

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15y ago

Just add the AMU's of Sodium and Chlorine together since the formula is NaCl. That would be: 22.98 + 34.45, or about 57.43

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The formula unit of sodium chloride has the formula NaCl, showing that each molecular unit contains one atom of each of its constituent elements. Therefore, the mass of the formula unit is 23 plus 35 or 57 amu. Each amu for a compound contains Avagadro's number of molecules. Therefore, the answer to the problem is about (15/57) X 6.022 X 1023 = 4.3 X 1022.

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Sodium chloride is formed from sodium and chlorine.

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Solid sodium chloride is not an electrolyte.Sodium chloride in water solutions or molten sodium chloride are electrolytes.

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Sodium and chlorine are the only elements in sodium chloride.

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Sodium chloride (NaCl) contain chlorine and sodium.

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Sodium Chloride, common table salt, will not burn.

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Crystals of pure sodium chloride are colorless.