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The atomic number of C13 is still 6, the same as C12. The difference lies in the number of neutrons, not protons. The number of neutrons does not radically change the element, which is why they are called isotopes. The C13 isotope is 1.1% of all naturally occurring carbon atoms, the C12 group having 98.9%

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15y ago

If it is Carbon, its atomic number is 6. Carbon 13 refers to a specific type of carbon that has an unusual number of neutrons, causing it to have an Atomic Mass of 13. It has 6 protons (which defines it as carbon) and has 7 neutrons. The normal carbon has 6 neutrons, hence, is "Carbon 12"

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15y ago

The atomic mass of Carbon-13 is 13.003355 amu according to "Chemical Principles" 6th Ed pg 54 by Dr. S. Zumdahl (no reference to the number contained in the text).

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9y ago

Carbon is a non metal element. Atomic number of it is 6.

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Carbon is a non metal element. Atomic number of it is 6.

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The answer is in the question itself: When an element name is followed by a hyphen and an integer, the integer is the mass number of the particular isotope of the element named.

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Q: What is the mass number of a carbon-13 C atom?
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How an atom of C-13 is different from an atom of C-12?

In number of neutrons and mass of nucleus.

How are neutrons in an atom calculated?

As an example, take Americium 241 - 241 is the atomic weight. It is Atomic number 95 in the periodic table and so there are 95 protons. There are thus 241 -95 = 146 neutrons. That principle applies to all the elements.

Which has greatest number of neutrons carbon13 and carbon14 or nitrogen14?

C-13 has an atomic number of 6 and an atomic mass of 13, therefore it has 13-6 neutrons = 7. C-14 therefore has 8 neutrons. N-14 has an atomic mass of 14 and an atomic number of 7, so its number of neutrons is 7. 8>7, so Carbon 14 has the largest number of neutrons.

what is the mass of an atom with 5 protons and 7 neutrons?

To the find the mass number of an atom you add the protons and neutrons. Meaning that the mass number of this atom is 12.

The atomic mass is equal to the sum of?

The Atomic Mass number of an element is the sum of the protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom of that element.The relative atomic mass is the average atomic mass number of all the known isotopes of an element.

Element A has atom which is 3 times lighter than that of Carbon-12 Calculate its atomic mass?

Mass of C-12 atom = 12 amu mass of C-12 atom = am So atomic mass of A = 4 amu source ;

Why does a mass of an atom changes if it an isotope?

yes it does b/c the isotopes have different number of neutrons so therefore isotopes cause a change in mass.

What is half the mass of a carbon 12 atom?

hi well c-12 has not actually been given a unit. we know that the 12 means that it is exactly 12 units (unknown to us) in c-12. generally things are compared in relation to the mass of a c-12 atom. Something might be 1.5 times bigger relative to c-12 giving us X with 18 units. To answer your question, the half of the mass of c12 is 6 units. like i said unit is unknown but it is only used as a relative to compare the mass of other atoms because taking the mass of any one atom is irrelevant.

What is the number of protons electrons and neutrons in C 12?

I can answer this if it were Carbon(atom number 6 in the periodic table), 'c-4' is unknown to me as element. C-4 ion does not exist and should preferably be written as C4-. Berillium is atom no. 4.So:C has 6 protons and 6 electronsNeutron number is different for each type of isotope:Isotope C-12, with mass number 12, has 6 neutronsIsotope C-13, with mass number 13, has 7 neutronsIsotope C-14, with mass number 14, has 8 neutrons

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As Deuterium and Tritium are both merely isotopes of Hydrogen and not elements in their own right, they both have an atomic number of 1, just like Hydrogen (Hydrogen-1). Deuterium (Hydrogen-2) has an atomic mass of 2, and Tritium (Hydrogen-3) has an atomic mass of 3.

How do you find the atomic weight on the periodic table?

On many Periodic Tables, the small number directly below the chemical symbol is the atomic mass. On mine, there is a small 12.011 under the large C for carbon. While most carbon is 12, there are naturally occurring carbon13 and carbon14, so this is an average mass of all naturally occurring isotopes, with the majority of isotopes being carbon12

What atom has the atomic number 6?

You could look it up by just typing it into google (Just in case you ever need to know..) Carbon: C Atomic number: 6 (number of protons in nucleus) Atomic mass: 12.011 a.m.e. Mass number: 12 (=number of protons + neutrons in nucleus) Nonmetal