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Ununquadium, with the chemical symbol Uuq, has the atomic number 114.

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Q: What is the atomic number of ununquadium?
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Related questions

How many neutrons do ununquadium have?

Number of neutrons = Atomic mass of an isotope - Atomic number of the element The atomic number of ununquadium is114; uuq has five isotopes, each with a different number of isotopes..

What does Unq stand for on the periodic table?

ununquadium (atomic number 114)

What does Uuq stand for on the periodic table of elements?

It is the symbol for the element Ununquadium (atomic number 114)

What are the properties and uses of ununquadium?

Ununquadium is a radioactive material first produced by scientists in Dubnya, Russia in 1998. It has an atomic number of 114. Since only a few atoms of this man-made metal have ever been produced, it currently has no uses outside of basic scientific research. You can read more about this element here:

What is the 114th element?


Why is ununtrium called that?

Un means one, tri means 3. So, literally, Ununtrium means 113 (un-un-tri) 113 is also the atomic number of Ununtrium (abbreviation=Uut). The same applies to Unununium, or Uuu (atomic number 111), Ununbium (atomic number 112, bi=two), Ununquadium (atomic number 114, quad=four), and Ununpentium (atomic number 115, pent=five). However, recently scientists have discovered unununium to be Roentgenium and Ununbium to be Copernicium.

What is the Latin name of ununquadium?

Also ununquadium.

What is the symbol for ununquadium?

The chemical symbol of ununquadium is Uuq.

How many electrons are in ununquadium?

Ununquadium has 114 electrons.

Why does ununquadium exist?

Ununquadium is an artificial chemical element.

Which compounds contain ununquadium?

Ununquadium don't contain compounds.

What are the health risks of ununquadium?

Ununquadium is a radioactive chemical element.