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Nuclear Fusion occurs in the core of stars.

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Q: What is the atomic process that occurs in the core of stars?
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The energy source of stars is primarily associated with?

The energy source of stars is primarily associated with nuclear fusion, where hydrogen atoms undergo fusion reactions to form helium, releasing a tremendous amount of energy in the process. This process occurs in the core of stars, where high temperatures and pressures allow fusion to take place.

How do the stars shine?

Stars shine through the process of nuclear fusion, where hydrogen atoms combine to form helium releasing energy in the form of light and heat. This process occurs in the core of the star where high temperatures and pressures are present. The energy produced from nuclear fusion is what causes stars to shine brightly in the sky.

Which kind of process supplies the energy for the stars?

Nuclear fusion is the process that supplies the energy for stars. In the core of a star, hydrogen atoms combine to form helium through fusion reactions, releasing large amounts of energy in the form of light and heat.

Where does fusion occur mostly in stars?

Fusion occurs predominantly in the core of stars, where the extreme pressure and temperature create the conditions necessary for nuclear fusion reactions to take place. In this process, hydrogen atoms fuse together to form helium, releasing vast amounts of energy in the form of light and heat.

What gas is exchanged into helium in a stars nuclear reactions?

In a star's nuclear reactions, hydrogen is converted into helium. This process, known as nuclear fusion, occurs in the core of a star, where high temperatures and pressures cause hydrogen atoms to combine to form helium.

Related questions

What makes fusion possible?

Fusion is possible because it involves combining light atomic nuclei to form heavier ones, releasing a large amount of energy in the process. This process occurs at extremely high temperatures and pressures, similar to those found in the core of stars, and is the force that powers the sun and other stars in our universe.

What is the Nuclear process that occurs in the core of the sun?

Nuclear fusion.

Where does the fusion reaction occur in the sun?

Fusion occurs in the core of the sun and other stars.

The energy source of stars is primarily associated with?

The energy source of stars is primarily associated with nuclear fusion, where hydrogen atoms undergo fusion reactions to form helium, releasing a tremendous amount of energy in the process. This process occurs in the core of stars, where high temperatures and pressures allow fusion to take place.

Fusion of hydrogen to helium occurs in?

The fusion of hydrogen to helium occurs at the core of stars, such as our Sun. This process releases large amounts of energy in the form of light and heat, which powers the star and sustains its stability. It is through this fusion reaction that stars shine and provide heat and light to their surrounding systems.

How do the stars shine?

Stars shine through the process of nuclear fusion, where hydrogen atoms combine to form helium releasing energy in the form of light and heat. This process occurs in the core of the star where high temperatures and pressures are present. The energy produced from nuclear fusion is what causes stars to shine brightly in the sky.

Which part of the newborn star does fusion occur?

In all stars, the fusion only occurs in the inner core.

What is the suns core responsible for doing?

The sun's core is responsible for converting hydrogen into helium.... This process occurs at MILLIONS of degrees.

The fusion of hydrogen to helium is a reaction that commonly occurs where?

The fusion of hydrogen to helium is a reaction that commonly occurs in the core of stars, including our sun. This process, called nuclear fusion, releases tremendous amounts of energy in the form of light and heat. It is the main source of energy that powers stars and sustains their brightness and heat.

What do stars too massive to form neutron stars what do they form?

Stars that are too massive to form neutron stars can undergo a supernova explosion and collapse into a black hole. This process occurs when the core of the star collapses under its own gravity, creating a region with infinite density and strong gravitational pull from which not even light can escape.

What is the process called in which hydrogen atoms combine to form helium and energy?

The process is called nuclear fusion. It occurs in the core of stars, including our sun, where hydrogen atoms combine to form helium, releasing energy in the form of light and heat.

Which kind of process supplies the energy for the stars?

Nuclear fusion is the process that supplies the energy for stars. In the core of a star, hydrogen atoms combine to form helium through fusion reactions, releasing large amounts of energy in the form of light and heat.