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Q: What is the attractive force between a sodium ion and a chloride ion called?
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What is the attractive force between sodium ions and chloride ions?

Electrostatic attraction.

What is sodium and chloride called when mixed?

This is sodium chloride - NaCl.

How does sodium chloride become salt?

Sodium chloride is the product of reaction between sodium hydroxide and hydrogen chloride.

How a bond forms between sodium and chlorine in sodium chloride (NaCl).?

Sodium chloride has an ionic bond.

The force that holds a sodium ion and a chloride ion together in a crystal of NaCl comes from?

*the attractive force between opposite electrical charges

What is the difference between sodium chloride and sodium hydrogen?

Sodium chloride is NaCl; if you think to sodium hydride this is NaH.

What is the difference between solid sodium chloride and a 5 of solution of a sodium chloride?

The solution is a liquid containing dissociated sodium chloride.

What is the best defeniton for sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride is a compound with the chemical formula NaCl. As a mineral sodium chloride is called halite.

Salt is what type of compound?

Salt is a crystallized ionic compound made from sodium and chloride ions. It is a dietary mineral which is called sodium chloride in totality. It results from ionic bonds between the positive (sodium-Na) and negative (chloride-Cl) ions called cations and anions respectively.

How does the strength of the attraction between water molecules and sodium and chloride ions compare with the strength of the attraction between the sodium ions and chloride ions?

Attraction between water molecules and sodium and chloride ions OSS less than the attraction between sodium ions and chloride ions.

When sodium and chloride join together an electron from sodium is transferred to the chloride to form a bond what is the bond called?

When sodium and chloride join together an electron from sodium is transferred to the chloride to form a bond. This bond is called an ionic bond.

Does sodium chloride have convalent bonds between their atoms?

Sodium chloride has ionic bonds.