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Q: What is the auto immune disease called in cats?
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Can cats catch asthma from each other?

No, asthma is not contagious. Asthma in cats, like in humans, is an immune-mediated disease that is a result of the interaction between the cat's innate immune system and the environment in which the cat lives.

What is fib in cats and how is it different from fip?

There is no such thing as FiB in cats but, there is FiV which is a virus that eventually causes immune deficiencies. FiP is a viral disease that is almost always fatal and it is caused by certain strains of the Feline Coronavirus virus.

Do Cats Have an Immunity To Rattle Snake Bites?

No, cats are not immune to snake venom.

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Are cats immune to wasp stings?

No, they react similarly to a human.

Can a cat catch nasal lymphoma from another cat?

Feline leukemia is a very contagious viral disease of cats. It is not related to the leukemia that people get, which is a type of cancer. Instead, it is an immune disease similar to human AIDS. The cats pass it to each other by body fluid, so if they eat and drink from the same container, they can catch the disease. Feline leukemia is fatal, and has no cure.

If your cat has a illness can you catch any symptoms from it?

No, you cannot catch illnesses from cats and cats cannot catch our illnesses. They have a different immune system than we do. There are some illnesses that do cross the species barrier. They are called zoonoses. See Related links.

Does panting and drooling have to do with nausea in cats?

Could be a lot of different things ... respiratory problem, infection, ulcers in the mouth, immune system disease, feline AIDS, kidney problems, etc etc etc. Take kitty to the vet!

Where can you find Cat scratch disease?

By going to the cat park and buying cats petting cats looking at cats and wildcats

What are big female cats called?

Female cats are called a Queen, male cats are called a Tom.

What are the names of the nursing cats in Warrior?

The nursing cats--or the cats who are nursing their young--are called queens. The cats who are nursing their mothers are called kits, not kittens.

How do you treat respiratory disease in cats?

go to a vet