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The median age at first marriage is 28 years old for men. Therefore 28 plus 10 equal 38.

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Q: What is the average age of a father with a 10 year old daughter?
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There is a father and a daughter if you reverse the numbers in her age you get his age Last year he was exactly double her age how old is she?

The daughter is 37. The reversed numerals would make the father 73. Last year the daughter would have been 36 and the father would have been exactly double at 72.

Up to what age can a father spank his daughter?

In my opinion 12 year old is a limitation.

Is there an age when a FATHER should stop being a father in a daughter's life?

No, once a father always a father. No matter what their ages are, they will always be father and daughter.

Should a single father sleep with his 10 year old daughter?

Not really. By this age the child should be sleeping on her own in her own bed.

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MR. 62

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What age is it inapriote for a father to be putting his daughter to bed?

There is no specific age when it becomes inappropriate for a father to put his daughter to bed. It ultimately depends on the comfort level and boundaries established within the family. As long as the interaction is respectful and appropriate, it can continue for as long as both the father and daughter are comfortable with it.

Can a father put a twenty-one year old male in jail if he is in love with his fifteen year old daughter?

Not a father but it would be up to the law and whether or not sexual relations are taking place. The age of consent in the particular area would also have a bearing.

Father age is reverse of son age 1 year back father age is twice of son agenow what is the father current age?

fathers age is 73 and sons age is 37...

At what age should a father stop showering with his daughter?

There is no time a father should shower with his daughter at any age! It's OK to help bath your daughter up to the age of 4 - 5 years of age, but more often than not the mother does this. Some mothers will have a bath with their young daughters, but by the time the daughter is 6 years and up they deserve their own privacy. I would tell your mother that your father is showering with you. It simply isn't right!

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Can a single 17 year old mom decide what time and when her daughter needs to be returned after visiting the biological dad?

Yes if you have custody over her but remember you're not the only parent. Your daughter needs a bond with her father at a young age.