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Q: What is the average amount of kills a killer whale does each year?
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What is the name of the type of whale that hunts and kills prey using its teeth?

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What animals kills sharks?

A killer whale or a Giant squid

Does the killer whale change in seasons?

!this Killer KiLLs is dum just look it up in a book!

What can kill a walrus?

A hunter and a killer whale kills a lot of walruses.

Who is tougher a whale shark or a killer whale?

killer whales are a natural killer but it kills sea lions only and as far as i know there havent been any killer whales attack to any human. whale shark are a gentle creauture and very diffrent then killer whales . there havent been any whale shark attack to human . In my point of view killer whale is tougher then whale shark because the killer whale is fast has a good and killer sized teeth.

How big do killer whales get?

i think a killer whale is 10 in

Can a killer whale be 6 meters?

Yes and bigger. The average male killer whale can measure from 6 -9.7 metres and the average female killer whale can measure from 5-7 metres A young calf (baby killer whale) usually measures 2.6 metres in length

What sea animal eats a whale?

Killer whales. Killer whales are the oceans most apex predators. They have been seen preying on whales including the blue whale.The killer whale itself is actually not a whale it is a dolphin. The reason it is called a killer whale is because researchers and whalers saw the dolphin killing whales so they called it the killer of whales which has been over time shortened to killer whale. :)

What is a pregnant fish killer called?

Killer whale Killer whale Killer whale

What physical features hindered the killer whale from surviving?

its the different parts on a killer whale its the different parts on a killer whale its the different parts on a killer whale its the different parts on a killer whale

Is a killer whale a type of dolphin?

My opinion I think a Killer Whale (Orca, Dutch meaning) should be categorized as a whale but the scientific Animalia category the Killer Whale is, is a dolphin. They are also considered the biggest dolphins. Even is the Killer Whales meals are sometimes dolphins they are a dolphin.