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You can get a standard cassette voice recorder online for between $25-$50. Cassette voice recorders of this price range may not have the best quality but will perform the basic recording needs of the average person.

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Q: What is the average cost of a cassette voice recorder?
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How to Choose Between a Minidisc Recorder, a CD Recorder and a Cassette Recorder?

There are several different ways for a person to copy songs originally on records, tapes, compact discs or elsewhere, such as using a minidisc recorder, a CD recorder, or an analog cassette deck. Each of these three different methods offer their advantages as well as their downsides regarding convenience, quality of sound and price.If you are looking for the chance to retain the most quality of sound, you should get a CD recorder.If your interest is to maintain a budget, you will probably be more interested in getting a cassette deck.If you are looking for special features, such as being able to program your playback options, or to skip certain tracks, you should invest in a minidisc recorder, or perhaps a CD recorder.If your interest is to tote your recorder around, such that you may use it for live source material, like interviews, classes, speeches, lectures or concerts, you will want a portable minidisc recorder.Ideally, you will wish to use a recorder that makes use of the same type of media as either your portable player or your car depending on if you plan to listen to these recordings outside of the home.If you can afford the experiment, take a single song from a CD and record it using different kinds of recorder to compare the quality of sound. Don’t forget to take that song and compare the recordings to it.Playing back a commercially recorded disc would be out of the limits of a minidisc recorder.Another thing to consider is how much it will cost to buy blank media. For example, buying cassettes will cost less money per minute than that of a digital disc.Your CD recorder may not play a burned CD on every player.A minidisc recorder will probably not sound as good as a CD will, because it uses a "lossy" compression method known as the Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding, or ATRAC. Depending on the tape and its deck quality, a minidisc can vary in quality over a cassette.

How much does a bass recorder cost?

20 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

How much would the first Black Sabbath cassette cost?

my dad got his from ebay and it cost him about $97.00