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Q: What is the average humidity during a servere thunderstorm?
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What is the average humidity in Fort Wayne?

Summer months bring a lower humidity average of around 50 percent. This can raise to an average of 65 percent during winter months.

What is the average relative humidity during the winter for Flint Michigan?


What is the average humidity in Flint Michigan during the winter?

The average relative humidity for all of Michigan is in the mid to high 70% range. Flint hangs right around 73%.

What is the average humidity of the African Savannah?

The average humidity of the African Savannah can vary, but it generally ranges from 50% to 80% during the wet season and around 20% to 30% during the dry season. Humidity levels can also be influenced by factors such as rainfall patterns and proximity to water sources.

Humidity Level in a homeWhat is the Average?

During the fall and winter months, the humidity level in a home averages between 60 and 70 degrees. During the summer months, the humidity level in a home averages between 80 and 90 degrees depending on climate and locality.

What is the humidity in Miami during summertime?

the humidity is 10 during summertime :0 :) :D

What type of weather is it during a thunderstorm?


What type of clouds are there during a thunderstorm?


Is during a thunderstorm a sentence?

No. It is a prepositional phrase It does not have a subject or verb and does not express a complete thought. And example of a sentence with this phrase is: "The tree fell during a thunderstorm."

What is the second stage during a thunderstorm?

The Mature stage

Is it dangerous to be near a lake during a thunderstorm?
