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Q: What is the average length of a piece of jazz music?
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What piece of jazz music is in the AARP commercial with the barber?

It's an original piece of music for the commercial.

The blue print to a musical piece?

The number of different musical ideas in the piece folk music art music and all that jazz

What was the first piece of music that john Williams wrote?

I believe it was a piece for piano. He went to julliard after ucla (i think) and studied jazz piano.

What does improvisation in music?

It means make it up as you go along, basically. A piece of improvised music (as in jazz, for example) is created without preparation.

Why Was jazz known as the devils music?

why jazz music called devils music

Is jazz a variation of music or ensemble?

Jazz is a style of music.

Duke Ellington was famous in the field of?

Jazz Music

What type of music was jazz?


How many jazz are there?

2 jazz music and jazz flute

How does jazz dance and jazz music connect?

they have absolutely nothing to do with one anothers. Jazz dance is usually to pop music.

Are there two types of Jazz music?

There are many different types of jazz music, including swing, Dixieland, Latin, Bebop, funk, fusion, acid jazz, modal jazz and free jazz. If you are asking about jazz dance, there are indeed two types: traditional and modern.

What music is used when dancing to jazz?

That would be jazz