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Q: What is the average level of education in Monaco?
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What is the altitude of monaco?

The tallest point in Monaco is 161 meters while the lowest is sea level. So, the average elevation of Monaco is sea level (0 meters).

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she has a grade level 11 reading average.

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indias education level is high they get 8 years of education of primsry and 99% of the population knows how to read and wrire.

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The majority have not had an opportunity to attend a school at all. Thus the average level of the population is extremely low.

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4th grade

What measures the average level of education in a country?

Educational Attainment, which is defined by the US Census Bureau as "the highest level of education completed in terms of the highest degree or the highest level of schooling completed" by an individual. These data can be collected for the entire population of a country and then averaged in order to determine the average level of education in a county with relative accuracy.

What measures average level of education in a country?

Educational Attainment, which is defined by the US Census Bureau as "the highest level of education completed in terms of the highest degree or the highest level of schooling completed" by an individual. These data can be collected for the entire population of a country and then averaged in order to determine the average level of education in a county with relative accuracy.

What is the average level of education attained in Norway?

Education in Norway is free, even to university level, so most Norwegians will achieve at least a bachelors degree.

What can you say about Monaco in terms of its population among wealthy people?

Monaco is one of the most wealthy countries in the world.

What is the average level of education in Ethiopia?

As of 2021, the average level of education in Ethiopia is relatively low compared to other countries. Many individuals have not completed primary education, and access to higher education remains limited for the majority of the population due to challenges such as poverty and infrastructure.