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Could be anything between 5-10 MPH.

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Q: What is the average mile per hour a child rides a bike?
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When Jason rides his bike to train for his marathon the 60-mile trip takes between 2.5 and 3 hours In miles per hour his average speed must be between?

20 and 24

Don can ride his bike 19 miles in one hour. If he rides at the same speed about how many miles can he ride in 3 hours?

57 miles

Bob rides his bicyc on a bike path that is 75 kilometer long to get to his house that is due east of the bike path if it take bob 15 hours then what is his speed?

5 miles an hour, or 8 kilometers an hour

How much do bike assemblers make at retail stores?

on average $10-$13 per hour. Some do commission work and get paid per bike or item. With a helper I have seen people do upward of $40 per hour.

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What is the normal output for an average size child per hour?

500 ml

What is the average babysitting rate in Omaha?

$2 per child every hour for not that experienced. $3 per child every hour for somewhat experienced. $3.50 per child if certified in first-aid.

Lenny rode his bike to school at an average speed of 10 miles per hour what was his speed in feet per minute?

10 miles per hour is 10 times 5280 or 52800 feet per hour or 52800 / 60 or 880 feet per minute.

Does Cedar Point open the park before the rides run?

Technically, it opens 1 hour early for some guests but 5 coasters are run for the hour. Then all the other rides open. So no, rides are always running when the park is open.

How far can a bike travel in half an hour?

It depends opon the speed of the bike.

How much would it cost to pay for an hour of specialist nursing for a disabled child?

The average cost is £70

How much should the average kid exercise every day?

The average child should exercise aproximatly 60 minutes (1 hour) a day.