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Q: What is the average monthly oil use in average household?
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The average monthly bill for Mississippi residents is between $14 and $30 per month with an average use of between 3,500 and 5,500 gallons of water used per household per month. Best Regards Mark Lobo GetaPacker Inc

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Depends on where you live and use.

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How many kilowatts does the average household use in a year?

One KwH = Kwxhr going by the basics, the question should be understood as the average units consumed per household. An average household may consume about 3000 units in a year.

What is the average daily use of water in a household?

50 galions of water

How do you calculate household consumption expenditure?

To calculate household consumption expenditure, make a list of what has been spent for household use. Next, average that out and there is your expenditure amount.

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What is the average water use per person in New Zealand?

On average New Zealanders use 160 L of water per person per day for household use, with the highest city average rate for household use at about 350 L/person/day in Porirua. The majority of water is not used for household use. The biggest user of water is irrigation, followed by industrial use. If these are added in to the per capita figures the average water use is 82 000L/person/day.