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because of sun light and enrdye

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Q: What is the average number of branches in an oak tree?
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Do branches of oak tree actually their roots?

An oak tree's roots are underground and anchors the tree to the ground. The roots also supplies the tree with water and nutrients. The branches support the leaves and acorns.

I have a large Oak tree on my property in Mississippi. Several branches hang over my neightbors yard. Are those branches my neighbors responsibility to maintain?

It's your tree.

What is the height and width of an apple tree?

the average height of an oak tree is 60ft the average height of an oak tree is 60ft

What are the average lengths and widths of an Oak tree and Poplar tree?


What is the lifespan of an oak tree in North America?

well that depends on what oak tree it is and where it grows but a average undisturbed oak tree can live for 500-600 years. but for example a oak tree that lives in England can live for 400 - 500 years.

What is average life span of a oak tree?


How tall can a live oak grow?

the average height of an oak tree is 60ftRead more: Average_height_of_an_oak_tree

How many acorns does a oak tree produce each year?

Acorns are the fru it of an oak tree. The number of acorns depends on several factors. The number of flowers the tree produces, the number of flowers that are pollinated, the health of the tree, and the age of the tree would all have an affect on the number of acorns produced.

What type of tree is an oak tree?

an oak tree much?

Can squirrels eat oak branches?

Squirrels can eat Oak branches, but they choose to eat nuts and berries more than branches.

Is an oak tree a summer tree?

An oak tree is a summer and fall tree.

What tree does an acorn come from?

An Oak treeAcorns come from oak trees.